Terms of use



In this document, the rules or “Terms and Conditions of Use” are detailed, which regulate the use by users of this website owned by TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. The use of the website by the user implies the acceptance of these rules.


This legal document is complemented, in turn, by others that we invite you to consult, such as the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookie Policy.


General rules of the website

The use of this website by the user is based on the “principle of good faith,” understood as the user’s commitment to make proper use in accordance with current legislation and the legal system. Therefore, the user undertakes to avoid any conduct that could harm the image and interests of TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. or third parties. They also agree not to engage in any activity that impairs the functionality of the website or others by using the website’s resources.


TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. reserves the right to take technical and legal measures against any user who violates the principle of good faith described above.


TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. reserves the right to modify, delete or update the information included on the website. In the case of affecting legal documents, these modifications will take effect from their modification and publication on the website.


Intellectual property of the website


The design of the website (source code), the content, logos and trademarks, the company designs that appear on this portal, as well as the various elements that make up this website, are the property of TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. and are protected by intellectual property rights.


The use of the website by users does not in any case involve the transfer of these intellectual property rights. Consequently, it is expressly forbidden without the express authorization of TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L., the reproduction, transformation, distribution, communication or reuse of the website and its content.


TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. reserves the right to take legal action against users who violate or infringe intellectual property rights.


Protection of personal data


You can consult our Privacy Policy to learn how users’ personal data is processed on this website.


Use of Cookies


This website uses cookies for various purposes. To know and be able to access the configuration of its operation, please consult our Cookie Policy.


Applicable legislation


The legislation applicable to the information society services of this website, under article 3 of the LSSI, will be that of Spain. Any claim, administrative or judicial, must be made in that jurisdiction.


Responsibility of contents and linked sites


TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. is not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites from which this website is accessed. Nor is it responsible for compliance with the regulations of other websites that may be linked from this portal.

When the user accesses other websites not belonging to TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L., they must consult and accept their own Terms and Conditions of Use, privacy policy, and cookie policy.


Reporting incidents


Any user of the website who is aware of any illicit use of it can contact TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. to report it.

When the user accesses other websites that are not owned by TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L., they must consult and accept their own Terms and Conditions of use, privacy policy, and cookie policy.


Last updated: 25/05/2022 | © TALLERES MESTRAITÚA, S.L. – All rights reserved.